My Love (Stephen Stotch)

Hello, my name is Mike, I'm 19 years old and I'm the life partner of Stephen Willis Stotch from South Park. I fell in love with him some time in May 2023, and I made it official on June 26, 2023, and I am planning to be with him for a very long time.

My HTML skills are quite bad but heres a little page about myself and my beloved.

Here's a quick introduction on myself, I will keep it short because this document is about Stephen, not me.

I am a cisgender male and my pronouns are he/him, and my identities are gay, aroace, and fictosexual. I am autistic and have other disorders such as ADHD, BPD, GAD, and MDD. My birthday is September 1st, 2004 and I graduated high school in 2022. I currently work as a cashier at Kroger. I am Macedonian-English and American and I speak English fluently and can read and write Russian at an intermediate level.

I heavily kin Stan Marsh from South Park and I am an IRL of Mike Wheeler from Stranger Things. My self-insert OC who I ship with Stephen, Majkl "Mike" Krstov/Stotch, is sort of a combination of the two but as a 36 year old man.

And for a content warning, this page has several mentions of sex. If you're uncomfortable with this, I suggest clicking off the page.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, lets turn our attention to the lovely man of the hour.

About Stephen

Stephen Stotch, also known as Chris Stotch or Mr. Stotch, is the father of the popular character Butters Stotch from South Park. He is often described as being abusive and a control freak, but I find myself drawn to him for unknown reasons.

He is shown to be rather strict towards his son, grounding him sometimes for no real reason at all, which sometimes does make it hard to defend him. Some of the things he's done are simply unforgivable, but he is from South Park, which is famous for constantly going over the top.

Despite these things, I love him unconditionally.

Stephen has no official canon birthday or age, but I believe that he was born on May 27 as that is the date of the release of the episode "Chickenlover" which was where he first made an appearance in the show, however he was originally a random unnamed character that would show up in the background of episodes. I also headcanon him to be 38 years old.

Stephen Stotch was born on May 27, 1973. Why 1973? Well, South Park most likely takes place in 2011 or 2012, because in the episode "You Have 0 Friends" Stan Marsh's Facebook profile shows his birthday is October 19, 2001. And Stan is 10 years old, still to this day. This is a theory, however, as the year that the South Park episodes take place is unknown as it doesn't matter to the plot.


This section will be divided into two parts, canonical appearance and headcanon appearance, since the South Park style is very simple and lacks some parts, such as eye color.

Canon Appearance

Stephen is an adult male, white, aged 30-50, and has reddish brown hair which is flat on the top. He wears a drab green collared shirt with a plain white tie. His shirt is tucked into a brown belt with a circular golden buckle. He wears dark blue pants and black shoes with white socks. He has very angular eyebrows, which are very characteristic of him as he is the only character in South Park with eyebrows like that, as most of the other characters' eyebrows are copy-pasted across each other. One of his ears is also slightly bigger than the other. He has minimal body hair.

Headcanon attributes

Stephen has beautiful hazel green eyes with some hints of brown around the pupils (ironically just like my eyes) and they match his shirt quite well. He wears a red ring with the letter M on it to symbolize his commitment to me (well, to my self-insert). He has very good hygiene and showers often twice a day, and he almost always smells good.


I fully believe that Stephen Stotch is completely homosexual.

In the show, he reveals that he is "bi-curious", but I believe this is just him holding onto hope that he is at least a little straight. Stephen is shown to be rather homophobic, and I theorize that this is from severe internalized homophobia due to religion and generational abuse.

He even sends his son to a conversion camp out of fear that he could be gay, despite Stephen being gay himself. This is from decades of being closeted.

He does have a wife. And I do think he loves her, I do think she means everything to him. But I don't think he loves her in the way he thinks he does. He loves her as more of a best friend, and she's pretty much all he has. I do not think he is attracted to her. Why?

Well, its because he cheats on her. A lot. And this is horrible for him to do, I won't defend it. But I have an explanation of why he does this. Stephen has a natural sex drive, but he is unable to satisfy it with his wife, as he has no attraction to women. He is revealed to have sex with her sometimes, but rarely, and he needs to be watching something else to do it. He is attracted only to men, so he goes out to have sex with men (the second part is completely canon.)

In the game, his wife is shown reading a book called "Dealing With Your Gay Husband". I think she knows that he is gay, but she tries to cope with it, as she loves him too much to leave him. But it was when he was actually cheating when she snapped (In Butters Very Own Episode).

In the game, there is also a photo labeled "wrestling" which shows Stephen by the couch on his knees lying on the floor in a submissive position with a pleasured look on his face, very obviously having sex with a man. He also drops a men's underwear catalog at some point.